Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Four Rivers Church is passionate about not only outreach to our own community, but also helping equip others to minister around the world.

Active Missionaries
Equipping the Harvest Ministries,
Alan & Janet Franklin
Alan and Janet have a passion to bring Jesus to the people of Mexico. They have been instrumental in ministering to orphanages and helping assist the Mexican Church reach their cities.
Gospel Flight Ministries,
Mike Hawkins
Mike is a speaker and evangelist that travels and shares God's word all over the United States as well as oversees. He recently started a daily TV program sharing God's word that reaches millions all over the world.
Discover my Eurasia,
Branden & Samantha
Branden and Samantha have a passion to reach the people of Central Eurasia. They minister by getting to know people in the region and developing one on one relationships. They hold Bible Studies from their home, as well as English classes in local Chia Shops. Their goal is to share God's word through out the middle east, one family at a time.
Believers Ministry
Believers Ministry is a ministry provides schools to impoverished children in the country of India . They offer education, food, and resources to the students and families. Most importantly, while they care for their educational and physical needs, they also teach them about Jesus and His love. In edition they also assist with a orphanage in the country of Romania.
Join the mission
Four Rivers Church is dedicated to reach people for Jesus. We desire to do so in our community, and around the world. Click the link below to get more information on how you can be apart of these powerful ministries.